Sunday, June 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Alexia!

Lexi, you are such a sweet snuggly girl. Mommy and Daddy are so thankful to have you as our baby. Up until a few weeks ago you have been very laid back and always gone with the flow, but recently you have been showing so much personality and attitude, and you are climbing like a little monkey! Last week I found you on the dining room table, the back of the couch, and you learned how to climb up the slide! You are still a good sleeper, and you love your Daddy so much that you often refuse to come to me in the morning so he can leave for work. We can't wait to see how you grow in the next year, and we love you so much!


The Early Bird said...

Thank you for your interesting blog.
See you later.

Unknown said...

I love you friend.... thank you so much for being there and praying for me tonight. You are truly are my besty!!!