Tuesday, May 13, 2008

mother's day pics

my sister sammy took thousands of beautiful pictures on mother's day. it is rare that the whole family gets together AND takes pictures so i am really excited! here is a sampling:

the cousins playing

lexi enjoying her favorite pastime (just like daddy:)

my dad and i

the whole family

typical morrow sisterness

two of my very favorite people in the world....ans loves her pappy

mom and i

my silly girl and her silly mom

so that's all :) it was fun, and between these and this weekend....grandma t should be good for pictures for a while!!


The Andrews Family said...

Beautiful pictures....sounds/looks like a very special day. What a blessing to be able to share the day with your whole family together.

Hannah Elisabeth said...

I love your precious girls!! Too cute! I am so glad you have a blog! I'll be checking back : ]
